Transitioning from a sober living, residential program to live on your own is extremely difficult. A relapse can shatter your motivation as well as your sense of self-worth and become a vicious cycle. At Melrose Recovery Center we know how vulnerable an addict can feel. We want to help you understand that learning new responses for old reactions can ‘break the cycle’ of self-destructive behavior. At any point in your recovery, our groups keep you connected to a community that can give you lasting support. We want to help you understand that learning new responses for old reactions can ‘break the cycle’ of recovery and then relapse.

Melrose Recovery Center was created with this in mind, to be there to give support to the recovering addict. Because relapse is such a danger, we can help you diffuse the warning signs before they build up to a point of destructive behavior. Our counselors and facilitators have been there before and they know what to look for:

  • Do you deny you have a problem?
  • Are you avoiding the very things that will give you help?
  • Are you building crisis upon crisis?
  • Do you feel powerless in the face of the crises you are building?
  • Are you over-reacting to situations?
  • Do you feel depressed or ‘out of control’?
  • Do you feel trapped and have you convinced yourself that drug or substance abuse is the only way out?


This is where we can help you break the continuing cycle of addictive behavior in which you have been involved. We are here for you. If you are experiencing the following situations, you may be in danger of a relapse. We can help you during times of difficulty; we know what to look for:

If you stop or decrease your recovery-related activities

If you isolate yourself from friends, family and peers in recovery

If you become defensive in response to questions about your well-being

If you can’t stop thinking about alcohol and other drugs

If you become increasingly confused, irritable or angry

We can give you unfailing support, to help you through these temporary conditions and get you to a place of strength and positive action.

For you, it is a risk just being in the presence of alcohol and other drugs, and those who are using drugs and alcohol in destructive ways. You will need to be involved in positive activities and interests. We can help you with alternatives to destructive behavior.

Be aware of substituting prescription drugs for other addictions. The over and unnecessary use of prescription drugs can also create new dependencies. We are especially sensitive to this type of relapse. You cannot afford to become complacent. As a recovering individual, you cannot convince yourself and others that you do not have a problem. This very action can lead to relapse.

At Melrose Recovery Center we focus on the individual and what it is you need to stay clean and sober. Our entire program is built on the concept of helping the individual through the entire recovery process and on to a lasting recovery. We start at the beginning, move through your transition from addiction into recovery, and continue to aid your recovery through your first year and beyond. As long as you need us, we will be there for you. The first year of your recovery is the most crucial.

Relapse prevention education is critical to recovering individuals because it teaches them how to recognize and manage their warning signs. Developing a relapse prevention plan is essential to your recovery success. Although relapses are all too common for the addict in recovery, it can be the exception, not the rule. We will help you through your recovery one day at a time. Melrose Recovery Center, (855) 512-5033, call today.